Below is a list of things that players do that ends up in sanctions and loss of Karma!
Karma is what shows your reputation in the game. Upon registering, you receive 10 karma points. You lose karma points if you break the rules. Losing karma points can mean you lose access to certain game features, such as the forum or sales. If you break a minor rule, you receive a warning (or sanction). If you do it again after being warned, you lose karma. For more information about Karma visit your karma page at Advertise in any forum besides your own Equestrian Center forum.
- Send rude private messages (pm) or spam (junk mail) to other players.
- Name a horse something inappropriate and then put it in sales (ie visit my forum, swear words)
- Promise a player that you are going to trade something with them, accept their trade and then not follow through on your end of the deal.
- Post rude, crude, annoying, text speak, caps lock messages in the forums.
- Name/shame players in the forums.
- Post religious or political statements anywhere.
- Advertise item trading anywhere but your own forum and page.
- Have more than one account.
- Rant in the forum, complain about the game, be a general nuisance.
There are plenty of other items on the list. It seems just about impossible not to be doing at least one thing that Howrse doesn't allow. I'm proud to say that I have only been sanctioned once. I bought a horse in sales that was name "bid in forum" and put it up for sale without changing the name. I was sanctioned for that. I was not happy about it. >:(
Anyways, Happy Howrsing!
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